To remember the usage of begin() and end()

// make "Range-Based for Loop" useable with TBMReachabilityFixColPtr
namespace TFC {
    static auto begin(TBMFixedCollectionPtr<TBMFixedCollection<TBMReachability>> const& col) {
        return col->begin();

    static auto end(TBMFixedCollectionPtr<TBMFixedCollection<TBMReachability>> const& col) {
        return col->end();
} // TFC ns
#define IGN_RETVAL (void)
using namespace std::string_literals;
auto CCEmailRulesCheckHelper::makeMsg10() const -> Result {
      return { Case::NO_EMAIL, "Bitte beim Geschäftspartner VP2 E-Mail-Adressen mit den Verwendungskontexten 'Haupt E-Mail-Adresse' und 'RechnungOnline' anlegen."s, hasFrameContract() };                              
for (auto const& item : pBusinessPartnerFixPtr->GetReachabilityFixCol())
  // Do something